Flight Incident Form

*Location (Check all that apply):
 MX Hangar
 A/C Hangar
 Working Area

Other Location:


*Activity Type (Check all that apply):
 Working Area
 Traffic Pattern

Other Activity:

*Mode of Flight:

*Type of Incident (Check all that apply):
 Collision Hazard - Traffic Pattern
 Collision Hazard - Practice Area
 Runway Incursion
 Airspace Deviation
 Mechanical Failure
 Weather Related
 Wildlife/Bird Strike
 Lost Communication
 Lost Situational Awareness
 ATC Deviation
 Wake Turbulence
 Foreign Object Damage
 Crewmember Incapacitation
 Drone Hazard
 Laser Hazard
 Collision Hazard babyÖ±²¥app Country
 Ground Event
 Safety Incident

Other Incident:

*Weather Conditions (Check all that apply):

Other Weather:

*Action Taken (Check all that apply):
 Filed This Report
 Told Instructor
 Told Chief Pilot (or Assistant)
 Declared Emergency
 Requested Crash/Fire/Rescue
 Needed Medical Assistance (Including First Aid)
 In-Flight Abort
 In-Flight Divert

Other Action:

*Description of the incident or observed hazard: 

*Recommendations to eliminate, correct, or minimize the hazard: 

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