Faculty & Staff - Undergraduate Psychology

Dr. Keith Lavine


Department Chair & Professor
Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Phone: (815) 836 – 5744
Email: lavineke@lewisu.edu
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I am currently serving as the chair of the Psychology Department. My specialization and graduate degree are in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. For those of you who are not familiar with this field, it involves applying psychology to the workplace to help organizations make better decisions about things like whom to hire, how to improve employee satisfaction and reduce stress, and how to develop effective leaders. I teach a variety of courses at babyÖ±²¥app, including Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Leadership, Motivation, and Social Psychology. Before coming to babyÖ±²¥app, I spent a number of years in the workplace as an internal and external consultant, so I always try to bring experiences and case studies to the classroom. Currently, my main research interests are in the areas of vocational calling, meaningful work, and work stress.

Dr. Valerie Hill


Professor & Undergraduate babyÖ±²¥app Director
Developmental Psychology
Phone: (815) 836-5166
Email: hillstva@lewisu.edu
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I am a Developmental Psychologist, who enjoys teaching development courses such as: Child, Adolescent, Adult, and Lifespan, as well as other core courses including Statistics and Research Methods. For time to time, I also teach Workshops that explore various aspects of human development (e.g. Parenting, Friendships, Alzheimer’s Disease). I believe the classroom is a learning environment not only from the instructor but from one another as well. Therefore, my classes incorporate class discussion and application of the material to your everyday life. My research interests include children’s understanding of social relationships, student learning, and teaching practices. I am also the Undergraduate babyÖ±²¥app Director in the Psychology Department, so if you want to add or change your major/minor to Psychology I am happy to help.

Dr. Philip Blankenship


Associate Professor
Behavioral Neuroscience
Phone: (815)836-5367
Email: pblankenship@lewisu.edu
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Dear students, my name is Dr. Philip Blankenship and I look forward to getting to know and interact with you as you progress through your psychology degrees here at babyÖ±²¥app. As psychologists, it is crucial to your careers that you gain experience with conducting research and learning how the field as a whole is advanced. I am a behavioral neuroscientist, with a background in experimental psychology. I specialize in understanding how the activity in our brains influences our behaviors. To that end, my research interests involve examining how neurological disorders, like stroke or Alzheimer’s disease, disrupt aspects of information processing. For example, examining the ability to navigate from place to place on campus or the ability to keep track of different temporal intervals. Currently, I am an instructor for the Biological Psychology,  Research Methods 2, General Psychology, Statistics for the Social Sciences, and Research in Psychology courses. My classes often involve students engaging in projects that illustrate the general utility of psychology in every-day life and I strive to promote deeper levels of information processing through the use of a variety of psychological techniques, like getting students to come up with their own relatable examples associated with topics we are discussing. If you would like to reach me to discuss course topics or opportunities for research, my phone number is 815-836-5367 or you can email me at pblankenship@lewis.edu . I hope you enjoy studying psychology as much as I do, and feel free to stop by my office to chat (BE-113).

Dr. Thomas Bristow


Clinical Psychology
Phone: (815) 836-5522
Email: bristoth@lewisu.edu
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Psychology explores human behavior from various directions. Neuropsychology’s exploration of human behavior is based on the premise that “all behavior is the result of brain behavior; brain functioning.†My background began in clinical psychology which led me to clinical neuropsychology. My area of interest lies in brain functioning and its relationship with the functioning of behavior. Along with my neuropsychological background, I have also work in a correctional institution. With this experience and neuropsychological assessment of criminal cases, I also have established a knowledge base in the field of forensic psychology. I teach primarily at the graduate level, however, I also teach undergraduate courses in forensics and specific topics in neuropsychology.

Dr. Spencer Campbell


Assistant Professor
Cognitive Psychology
Phone: (815) 836-5364
Email: scampbell4@lewisu.edu
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Hello psychology students! My name is Dr. Spencer Campbell, and I would like to welcome you to the psychology department. If you are interested in human behavior, you've come to the right place! As a cognitive psychologist, I study thinking, language, decision making, creativity, and memory, just to name a few topics. Not only am I passionate about psychology as a topic, but I also enjoy understanding how we think about psychology as a science. As a result, I enjoy teaching courses such as Methods of Research, Statistics, and Theories of Cognition. My number one goal in the classroom is for you to understand why you learning the material, and how it applies to the world outside the classroom. For example, I use what I have learned about psychology to design board games! If you would like to chat, my office is Benilde 108, or you can reach me at scampbell4@lewisu.edu. Welcome to the department, and I hope to see you soon!

Dr. Matthew Domico


Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology
Phone: (815) 588-7097
Email: domicoma@lewisu.edu
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I teach several courses that emphasize the scientific nature of psychology: Methods of Research 2, Biological Psychology, Learning Theories and Applications, Psychological Testing and Evaluation, senior seminar courses, and a few graduate-level courses about counseling skills, assessment, and research. My primary teaching goals revolve around making my course material as understandable, relatable, and engaging as possible. I do this in part by using examples to link scientific concepts to mental health and real-world contexts, and also by developing unique assignments designed to teach students how to think like mental health professionals or social scientists. I believe that college should be challenging but not frustrating, so I work hard to make my course content and learning objectives clear. My research interests are broad, but I am especially interested in biological links to behavior, models of human and animal learning, the efficacy of psychotherapy, stress management, and clinical assessments that measure intelligence and personality. Beyond my role as an instructor, I also serve as the faculty advisor for the babyÖ±²¥app University Psychology Club, an organization that is open to all babyÖ±²¥app students. To learn more about Psychology Club and see our scheduled meeting dates and times, as well as which events/fundraisers we are currently working on, join our Facebook page by following the link below (or just search for “babyÖ±²¥app University Psychology Club” within Facebook’s search field).

Dr. Ann Jordan


Clinical Psychology
Phone: (815) 836-5362
Email: jordanan@lewisu.edu
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My name is Dr. Ann Jordan.  I teach a variety of courses such as Abnormal Psychology, Research Methods, Neurocognitive Disorders, Psychological Testing and Evaluation, Biological Psychology, and Neuropharmacology.  Although my Ph.D. is in Counseling Psychology, I received additional training in Clinical Neuropsychology.  I am interested in the interaction of the brain and behavior, and focus my classes and research on assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders.  In the classroom, I try to create an atmosphere where students can discuss their ideas and opinions openly.


Clinical Psychology
Phone: (815) 836-5366
Email: kearneed@lewisu.edu
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I have been teaching at babyÖ±²¥app for over 25 years and teach a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses. You might find me teaching core courses like Statistics, Research Methods and Theories of Cognition, or more applied courses like Abnormal Psychology, Psychotherapeutic Techniques and Field Placement. I teach from a very student-centered perspective. Your learning is my only goal. I work towards making class time productive, engaging, entertaining, and informative.  My areas of writing and scholarship include the study of teaching and learning, parenting and advocating for students with disabilities, clinical assessment, the role of psychology in sports, and the role of psychology in financial decision making.  I frequently work with students on research projects and welcome the collaboration. 

Dr. Susan Sheffer


Social Psychology
Phone: (815) 836-5602
Email: sheffesu@lewisu.edu
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What could be more fascinating than the scientific study of human behavior?  I cannot imagine working in any field that I would find more fulfilling.  My educational background is in the area of applied social psychology.  Social psychologists study how people interact in all sorts of relationships.  We study romantic relationships, families, employers/employees in the workplace, international negotiations, students/teachers in school settings, and physicians/patients in hospitals.  Basically, any situation in which two or more people interact is likely to be an area of study for a social psychologist!  My own research interests include physician/patient communication, treatment compliance, psychology and religion, decision making, and the scientific study of teaching and learning.

I teach courses in Statistics, Research Methods, Social Psychology, Health Psychology, and I/O Psychology. My favorite part of teaching is encouraging my students to become excited about critically evaluating their world.  Every day I am excited to walk into the classroom because I am always surprised by what I learn from my students.  My students challenge me intellectually and I am pleased to return the favor. In all of my classes, we use the science of psychology to address real-world problems/issues.

Please feel free to contact me by stopping by my office (BE-115), calling me (815-836-5602), or e-mailing me (sheffesu@lewisu.edu).  I am always happy to discuss issues related to studying psychology.

Dr. Kami Tsai


Assistant Professor
Human Resource Management babyÖ±²¥app Director Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Phone: 815-836-5196
Email: ktsai@lewisu.edu
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My name is Dr. Kami Tsai, and I am an Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychologist. Thus, my focus is on applying psychology to work. Prior to coming to babyÖ±²¥app, I worked as an internal human resources consultant in both government and private industry. I use this experience to help you learn in the courses that I teach, which include courses in Human Resource Management and Psychology. My research interests center largely on organizational change and employee experience. I am passionate about the very powerful role that Human Resources and I/O Psychology play in the workplace, so I hope you will join me in one of my classes! You can also contact me via email at ktsai@lewisu.edu.

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